Architecture - Typical Activities
- Project Planning Guide
- User Group Communication
- Engineering Consultant Meetings
- Computer Aided Drafting
- Code Compliance Research
- Schematic Design
- Design Development
- Construction Documents
- Specification Writing
- Bidding & Negotiation

Construction Management - Typical Activities
- Design Review
- Program Verification
- Quality Assurance
- Constructability Review
- Cost Control Report
- Schedule Monitoring
- On-site Inspection
- Change Order Review
- Submittal Log Monitoring
- Weekly Progress Meetings
- Monitor Communications

Master Planning - Typical Activities
- Master Plan for Capital Outlay
- Building Priority Analysis
- Budget Forecasting
- Analysis of Existing Utilities
- Facilities Standards
- Space Planning
- Fixtures, Furniture & Equipment
- Move Management
Green & Green, Inc. has hands on, principle involvement for every project

Project Planning Guide
A Project Planning Guide is the “road map” developed prior to starting design. This guide is a result of the needs assessment that has been developed through user interviews, client direction, design input, and cost impacts. The Project Planning Guide will include a narrative on user functions, architectural program, budget costs and a schedule for both design and construction. As the project moves into Construction Documents, weekly meetings are held with all consultants for proper coordination. Weekly checklists by the consultants are reviewed to insure all of the information requested is incorporated in the final documents.
Design Review / Program Verification
As the review process proceeds each discipline evaluates the project in terms of functional use, cost, ease of construction and completeness of information required by contract. In conjunction to the review, a program analysis is done to check compliance of the architect’s design to the original architectural program listed in the Project Planning Guide.
Planning Tools and Computer Software
- The Project Planning Guide, explained previously, will contain Cost Control Reports by utilizing Microsoft Excel.
- Primavera P6 Professional Project Management is a powerful yet easy-to-use solution for planning, managing, and executing projects and programs.
- Primavera P3 and Primavera Sure Talk will also be utilized as planning and scheduling tools.
- AutoCad software or Revit software for BIM (Building Information Modeling) drawing files will be shared between the Construction Management staff and the Design team in order to insure coordination.
Green and Green, Inc.
6106 East Montgomery Road
Cave Creek, AZ 85331
Office 480-502-1409
Follow Green and Green, Inc. on social media
Copyright ©2021-Present Green & Green, Inc. - all information within this site is the sole property of Green & Green, Inc. - any use of materials on this web site—including reproduction, modification, distribution, or republication—without the prior written permission of the aforementioned organization is strictly prohibited. Designed by PT DESIGN